Sunday, November 19, 2006

Fan Fictions and YouTube

Today I have discovered fan fics!

I'd heard about them before, but now I've actually read a couple from Maximum Ride, and one was AWESOME! XD It's just like an extension of the story, the plot is great, but I have to wait to get the next chapter, Grrr. =(

Today (being most fruitful) I have also discovered YouTube!

I checked out some Naruto clips, and the one with all of the kid scenes in Naruto was sooooo sweet! =) I like seeing Garra as a kid, he's evil and yet adorable (holding his little teddybear while killing people).

I decided to check some fan fics because one of my friends said they were awesome, and I heard of YouTube in class (they were all in disbelief when they found out I'd never heard of it). I checked them both out and now that I have, I must say that I can't believe I've been missing out, I could spend hours reading fan fics and watching anime on YouTube! =)

Well got to go, the fan fics are calling me...calling me....calling me...

-Future Fan Fic and YouTube Addict

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Erin!
Gess who this is, about a hint? We were like best friends when we were young. Got it yet? Its Justin D'Angelo, Hopefully you remember who I am :S. SO i read your little Christmas update letter thing and decided to check out your blog. Pretty cool!

I like to use something a little bit different, Im sure you know of the network Do you have one?

Anyhow, I would love to catch up. Send me a mail @

or if you happen to have myspacre add me