Sunday, July 23, 2006

What's up with PEOPLE and BAD DECISIONS!!!!!!(angry rant)

First of all, why the heck do people take drugs (the bad kinds)? I mean come on, in my school district we have a bazillion programs telling children how dangerous drugs are, how they can kill you, and how they can make your life miserable. So, what do they do? They take drugs anyway! Then, there are a ton of other bad decisions that are made, like choosing jerk boyfriends, skipping classes, and cutting school. But, what really ticks me off is that, even after suffering the consequences. They make the same bad decision ALL OVER AGAIN!!! How stupid can people get, jeez.... Ok, my ranting is over, you may return to your lives. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain...
something close to it anyways.
in answer to your
question of DOOM
I guess it's because
people think
it looks cool.
You know,
how girls always go
for bad boys
and that sort of thing.
As for jerk boyfriends...
it's always the
good-looking ones...
they're all either
already taken
or jerkish.
Take your pick.